I often wonder why women who get their mani/pedi twice a month, but never a facial. It doesn’t make sense in “my logic”; what’s more important – your nails or your face …? My goal is to teach you about good skin care, give you skin tips and answer questions you have in mind. First – NOT all products are alike, a moisturizer that your girl friend raves about is not necessary the one for you. It’s a good idea to have a visit with a skin therapist and understand what your skin needs before you spend a lot of money on products that wont help.

What is a good skin care regimen?
There are four steps for basic good skin care: Cleanse, Tone, Moisturize, and Exfoliate. The three first ones are to be done in morning and at night and the forth is usually twice a week depending on the product and your skin.

Tip of the day:
Listen to your skin. Even without understanding skin care ingredients – your skin tells You if it’s good for you. If you are using a product that make your skin feels tight /dry / itchy it’s not the right ‘fit’ for your skin and can cause adverse reaction (extra production of oil , breakouts , etc.)

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